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Common Queries
Here are some common curiosities one might have before coming in.
Please text me if one of your questions remains unanswered.​​
How much does therapy with Dr. Laura cost?
$300 per 45 minute session,
and yes I can provide you a bill to submit to your insurance company for possible out of network reimbursement
How often will we meet for therapy ?
1x per week minimum,
any less and I will be doing you a disservice
Where do you offer therapy?
I offer therapy in my office in Bellerose, Queens
nestled right between Queens and Long Island
convenient sessions online, nestled in the virtual universe
Is clinical therapy or coaching right for me?
Call me, this gets more complicated and we will work to find which is best for you
Do you offer a free consult?
Yes! We need a solid 10 minute phone call before booking an initial session
Anything else to know?
Come as you are
Feel as you feel
Be committed to the process
Hope to grow
Be curious to explore
Let in a laugh as you come to appreciate yourself more (I see your doubt, we'll work on that!)
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